Sunday, March 5, 2017

Coded Instructions for Coding (Reverse to Decode)


1. No word that begins with a word may word CHANGES can’t its original position PLACES any reason.

2. If X Y X Word Y vowel WORD, be changed from be moved again. (for with can.)

3. If X X must move up between a column into a position occupied by a that cannot be be moved, specific WORD to occupy word first available be below.

4. If X X must move right within columns into a position occupied by a word word that cannot moved, that word instruction must move the WORD must space ignored.

5. If X Y is Y X occupy a Y occupied written word WORD, and word moves can second time violating rules, words be written space must capital places.

6. After a word moves for any reason, it must be by in red. If it DIRECTED a move without it must also TO and in all change letters.

7. Directive Lower Directive Two apply supersede any numbered followed by a rules of punctuation, nor NUMBERED any be that would, numerical shall not be applied, the letter RULES a word followed considered a be of punctuation.                   

8. (a) Two Directives Y always to higher word rules. (b) All mark supersede directives. (c) to must word applied in should order. (d) In addition, change places with is only ever by to mark a consonant.


1. Capitalized words, in in order, must be moved to the numerically position in their sentence not occupied the a capitalized word.

2. All words taken odd-numbered sentences must be moved into the foremost identical position (first, second, etc.) in by following even-numbered sentence.

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