Friday, December 25, 2015

Solution to Xmas Special

Click to Enlarge

Xmas Special

Series III : Excluded Middles : Puzzle 3

OK, so it's not a "pure" excluded middle. Everything's excluded. It's a Christmas Exclusive.

Click to Enlarge

No hints. It's all there in black and white. (Well, in green and red, at least.)

Solution available New Years Eve. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Helvetica walks into a bar...

Series III : Excluded Middles : Puzzle 2

Click To Enlarge

Hint: (Rollover to reveal)

The solution to last week's ExMid, posted yesterday. should be all the help you need to solve this one.

Solution available Christmas Eve!

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Purloined Letters

Series III : Excluded Middles : Puzzle 1


Hint (rollover to reveal):

Latin Sun [ ] Avoid = Answer

Sol [U] Shun


Solution available Thursday, December 16th.

Friday, December 4, 2015

A Deceptively Simple Crypto-betical to End the Series.

Series II : Crypto-beticals : Puzzle 4

Back to drop-quote style for the last in our series of Crypto-beticals. With just a little twist, as befits a devilish puppy like Pacho.

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Art of the Crypro-betical

Series II : Crypto-beticals : Puzzle 3


You could call this a 4-way diagramless drop-quote, but you'd be raining on Pacho's parade. Have a go-- it's much easier to solve than it looks!

Solution available Thursday, December 4th.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Replace each pumpkin with a letter.  Read in order.

Solution to II, 2

If you go about this one thinking it's a drop-quote, you'll find it impossible. Instead, start thinking horizontally. The blue letters and the blue boxes go together, obviously. How?

Alphabetically, of course, by ROW.


H _ _ _ I _ A C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A D _ _ _ O_ A Q _ _ _ _ 
T _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _
D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P _ _ _ _ _ F _ _ _ _

The first row contains "O-" as a letter. Not a short word, obviously. A long word, beginning with a C and containing "O-"? Oh, yeah. Crypto-betical.


Second row. No "F" so O_ must be OR. "Q" is generally followed by U. Third row, TO is obvious. Fourth row, Two Z's and a six-letter word starting with P strongly suggest PUZZLE, especially since the thing already seems self-referential. The end has to be "S."

W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A D _ _ _ OR A QU _ _ _ 
T _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _
D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PUZZLE F _ _ _ S.

The title is usually a big hint...

W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A DROP OR A QUOTE
TO D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _
D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PUZZLE F _ _ _ _

Back to the second row. Unscramble W (HIOTTU) = WITHOUT.

"Here is a Crypto-betical without a drop or a quote to..." To do what?

The list of common seven-letter words staring with B is small. The structure suggests a preposition. BETWEEN works. The last word could be FILMS, but really? Puzzle films? How about FORMS.



Okay, that was hard-ish. So, as a treat, here's an easy puzzle for your holiday table....

Friday, November 20, 2015

Don't drop that quote!

Series II : Crypto-beticals : Puzzle 2

 I was informed by a reader, to whom I owe munificent thanks, that last week's Crypto-betical was nearly identical to a form of puzzle called a "drop quote."  If the letters in the columns in a drop-quote puzzle are in alphabetical order, such a drop-quote would indeed be a Crypto-betical.  However, the Crypto-betical is a larger category. Its only rules are that  (1) the letters in  the solution are in alphabetical order in some way (by row, by column, by word length, etc.) and (2) that the entire solution is given 'cryptogram style' in blank squares.

It's my fault that the first one was a drop quote. It need not be.  Take this one, for example:

Link for the print-and-solve crew.

Hint (rollover to reveal):

1) What's with the blue squares? 2) Punctuation. 3) Letter combos, like q-u and z-z.

 Solution available Thanksgiving Day!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

New Series: Crypto-beticals

Series II : Crypto-beticals : Puzzle

Image LINK for the print-and-solve crowd.

Hint (rollover to reveal):  

Crypto-betical, eh?  Half cryptogram, half alphabetical.  Well, the bottom half looks like a blank cryptogram. And the letters in each column in the top half are in alphabetical order...

Solution available Thursday, November 19. 


Thursday, November 12, 2015


Robber | LP | NBA's Jeremy | stable space | pepper or spear | English sticky pudding ingredient | negative | not here | safeguards. || Long on giraffes | make small changes to | diarist Frank | utilize | auditory organ | leisure. other words...

Thief | vinyl | Lin | stall | mint | toffee |

 no | there | wards.

Necks | tweak | Anne | use | ear | ease ! other words...

The final installment of  “… in other words...”.

Next week, a new series!

Friday, November 6, 2015

The Last One of This Group

Series I : " other words..." : Puzzle 4

Robber | LP | NBA's Jeremy | stable space | pepper or spear | English sticky pudding ingredient | negative | not here | safeguards. || Long on giraffes | make small changes to | diarist Frank | utilize | auditory organ | leisure. other words...

_ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ |

 _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _.

_ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ ! other words...

_ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    _ _  “… _ _   _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _...”.

_ _ _ _    _ _ _ _,   _   _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Solution to I, 3

(1)    Alice | Tove | Dean | Ames | Hoff | Summer | Ella | T. | Valli 
       | Fay | Moss | Peirce | Suns

(2)    A list of the names of some relatively famous persons.

Your humble author is particularly fond of self-referential puzzles, like this one, and self-referential sentences, like this one.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Self-Referential I

Series I : " other words..." : Puzzle 3



Carrol muse Liddell | “Habits” singer Lo | Watergate figure John | CIA mole Aldrich | “Danny and the Dinosaur” author Syd | “Firefly” star Glau | Jazz singer Fitzgerald | A-Team member Mr. | 60’s idol Frankie | Baseball commissioner Vincent | The Matrix” star Carrie-Anne | Pragmatist Charles S. | Yat-Sen and Myung Moon.

…in other words…

_ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ |
_ _ _ _ | _ | _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _

…in other words…

_      _ _ _ _     _ _    _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _    _ _     _ _ _ _   
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _      _ _ _ _ _ _      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 


Rollover to reveal.

self-referential puzzle is one in which the solution defines or refers to the clues, and/or vice versa.

SOLUTION: Available Thursday, November 5.